Honored to have you here, lovely!

My name is Mikael, pronounced like “mickelle”—since it’s such a fun spelling that is used the world over and pronounced a million different ways!

I’m a 30-something loving and living in NYC, where my spiritual and intuitive awakening took place after moving out of my bubble of a hometown in 2014. I feel like I’ve lived several lives just by living here for almost a decade now…

An artist & storyteller at heart, I’m most at home when I’m writing, singing, reading, enjoying nature, and connecting with loving, open-minded folks. I love writing novels & short stories, polishing up stories to their inspired perfection, and performing on (or off) stage when life permits.

Starting this Substack is an effort to reconnect with my love of writing and my desire to truly connect with people through regular writing again. I used to be a blogger back in the day, and a part of me misses that regular writing space and the community that used to be there.

Since it’s been a decade of massive life shifts, I’d like to use this space to start pulling back the curtain, so to speak, to share some stories, insights, observations, and musings. Especially since I’m officially “on the roof” as a 6/2 splenic projector (in Human Design), and I’m in a space of observing and integrating lessons I’ve learned since childhood.

My hope through this space is to inspire folks to appreciate the magic in the mundane and the magnificent, to go after your heart’s desires, to not be afraid to do things differently, and to learn to love and trust the individual you came to earth to be at this time.

All the things I’ve been learning myself. <3

This definitely means I will most likely talk about Human Design, astrology, numerology, intuitive nudges, and other ways I love to connect the dots of life throughout my musings.

My deepest desire is that I can be a model of possibility and inspiration for you to live as your fullest self in a life that you feel excited to wake up for every day—whatever that looks like for you. I hope that I inspire you to learn how to trust your own sense of inner wisdom and intuition so you can live your life in your own unique way.

If you’d like to support my writing here, I cannot tell you how tickled and honored I would be, whether as an email subscriber or a paid supporter ($6/month or $60/year). Your support shows me that you appreciate the stories I’m sharing and want more of them. Thank you. <3

I am so grateful for your beautiful attention and that you’ve decided to join me on this journey. Thank you for being here.

I look forward to seeing what comes through in this space for you, and I may grow on it. So stay tuned!

What to Expect

This is still new for me—thanks for joining!

You can expect to hear from me on Sundays. My goal is to build the practice of writing a note on Substack once a week first. I want to build that consistency for myself and for those who’d like to hear from me.

Largely the topics will be intuitively guided for what each moment needs. You might get a poem from the energy of the moon, a current musing, lessons learned from my experiences, and more!

And when I feel the urge to share an energetic report, I’ll share that too. :)

For now, my posts will be public while I discern what posts will be for paid supporters.

Why subscribe?

Whether you’re an online reader, follower, email subscriber, or paid supporter, there are a few ways you can engage and follow along in this journey of embracing the magic of every day.

As an email subscriber, you will never miss a post from me as they go straight to your inbox of choice every week. Woot!

As a paid supporter, you get access to the full archive of posts and occasional discounts on books, services, and products, as well as other goodies that I look forward to expanding as I figure out my flow here with what feels called to come out of me (energetic reports maybe?). Squee!

Founding members will also get some incredible perks as well, from all paid subscriber goodies, my catalog of ebooks, and a personalized year-ahead oracle reading for each year they stay subscribed as a founding member.

A paid subscription is completely optional, though very much appreciated.

Frankly, all of the support is beautiful, and I appreciate every single one of you for your eyeballs, time, attention, and willingness to read (and possibly share!) the words and stories pouring out of me.

I wish I could jump through the screen, hug you, and chat around a cup of coffee or tea. My deepest hope is that my emails, posts, and letters here feel like a friendly chat about some of the bigger questions in life as we unveil together the magic and mysteries of being human in this big, crazy universe.

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Seeing how the dots of the universe connect and how enjoying life has helped to connect me to something greater than me. Looking at life's big questions, learning to trust in myself, and creating from the heart is what you'll find here.


Writer, author, editor, and singer connecting the dots to highlight the magic in everyday life.